Saturday 14 July 2012

Fruit Cake

Fruit cake is simple and quick one to bake at any time. This cake i have learnt from our family friend Mohana akka here in my place, She taught me this cake how to mix n bake each n every step for my first time baking after my marriage.That time i was just noted down all the points and  the ingredients n preparation cos i was naive to baking the cake, but it came out in dark black colour and it gone straight to the bin. I was upset about my cake got flop at my first try but she was again taught me how to do in right form then i get to use of baking  and also came to know the things should n shouldn't do while baking. This fruit cake i have baked in last week, everytime while baking this one i come to remind about my first baked cake. Today, am going to share this Colourful Fruit cake as follows,


1.Cake flour - 3 cups
2.Cake mix - 2 cups ( i used berry mix strawberry,bluebbery,kiwi n papino)
3.Chopped Cherries - 1/2 cup
4.Baking powder - 3 tsp
5.Bi carb soda - 2 tsp
6.Mixed Spices - 1/2 tsp
7.Condensed milk - 1 tin (385gms)
8.Margerine - 375 gms
9.Vanilla essence - 1 tsp
10.Almond Essence - 1tsp
11.Water measured from the same condensed milk tin.


1.Heat the water, condensed milk, margerine,Vanilla essence n Almond essence all in one pot. Put the fire in medium flame leave it to heat till the margerine melts then turn off the fire.(don't need to allow boil just margerine need to melt)
2.Now mix the cake flour, berries or cake mix, cherries, mixed spices, baking powder and bi carb soda  mix it together nicely with the help of spoon.(use wide deep bowl)
3.Mix both the wet and dry ingredients together and beat it nicely for 5 mts till it incorporate.
4.Grease your baking pan and pre-heat the oven to 350deg F. Transfer the cake mixture to the greased pan and bake it for 30 - 35 mts, after it baked check the cake with the tooth pick or with knife.
5.Leave it to cool in wire rack and then cut into slices and enjoy the colourful sweet fruits rich cake.

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