Saturday 14 July 2012

Honey Glazed Soetpatats - South African Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potato is much healthier and full of Nutrients packed one than an Ordinary Potato. An Ordinary Potato is high in sugar content which quickly released and used by the body it is not good for diabetic. Here in South Africa, Soetpatats ( Sweet potatoes) is traditional starter they make in different ways like mashed sweet potatoes, glazed, Stewed and Baked. In South India, we also do the same but in different version of having it, mash the cooked sweet potato mix it with little bit of ghee and sugar. Only the ingredients and cooking method is different from place to place, this Soetpatats are often eaten very popular sweeter dish can be roasted or baked.


1.Sweet potato - 1 medium in size (250 gms)
2.Margerine - 1 tbsp
3.Brown Sugar - 1 tbsp
4.Honey - 2 tbsp
5.Cinnamon powder - a big pinch
6.Salt to cook the sweet potatoes


1.Cook the sweet potato into a pot  and over with hot boiling water and required amount of salt.
2.Bring to boil and simmer until it turns soft n tender.
3.Drain it well and keep it aside to cool.
4.Heat a Non-stick pan in medium flame, melt the margerine, brown sugar, honey and add a cinnamon powder together.
5.Put the fire in medium flame and leave it to melt till it turns thick syrup. Now cut the cooked sweet potato into thick blocks and put it into the pan.
6.Close the pan with the lid for 5 mts, then only the syrup will incorporate to the potato blocks.
7.Pre-heat the oven to 350deg F and foil the baking tray, Place the glazed sweet potato blocks in the tray and pour the syrup on top of each blocks.
8.Bake it for 10-15 mts, now the Honey Glazed Sweet Potato is ready to serve hot.
9.We both tasted this yummy Glazed Sweet Potato with our yesterday's dinner. Sure kids will love it very much.

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