Thursday 12 July 2012

Lime Pickle


Large Lime 6
Salt 4 Teaspoon(As needed)
Chili Powder 4 Teaspoon
Asafoetida 1/2 Teaspoon
Mustard 1/2 Teaspoon
Fenugrek (Vendhayam) 1/4 Teaspoon
Gingelly oil or Sesame oil 8 Tablespoon

  • Cut the lime into medium pieces (all of same size).
  • Mix the lime with chili powder, asafoetida and salt.
  • Leave it in a airtight jar overnight.
  • Next day add sesame oil 5 tablespoon and mix well and leave it aside for a day.
  • Next day add 3 tablespoon of sesame oil to kadai.
  • Add mustard when it splits add fenugrek and a pinch of asafoetida.
  • Add the lime to the kadai and mix well.
Lime pickle is ready, store this in airtight container and keep it in fridge.

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