Saturday 14 July 2012

Home Made Tortilla and Chicken Tortilla wrap

Before, We use store bought tortillas for our breakfast and sometimes for our getaway pack food. Here, one of my neighbour she has always make homemade tortillas for them. She only taught me how to make this easily by ourself and we can have the fresh tortillas than frozen one. She make and store nice round shaped tortillas for 2 days and keep it inside fridge covered with cotton cloth, i was also tried the tortilla on the same day she taught me it came out very well soo soft tortillas but only thing is mine not came in round shape rather in usual way resembles some other country maps so kindly bare with my tortilla shape. She also gave me an idea to use big cooking pot to shape our tortillas like we do for our cookies n for our pani pooris then it will come in shape.  My Hubby like this tortilla wrap with mixed veggies, chicken and mixed beans stuffing. Today, i have posted the tortilla wrap with store bought chicken burger pattice cos we use to have chicken burger while on our weekend getaway breakfast it is easy finger food to make quickly with mayonnaise and some other veggie stuffing.


1.Cake flour - 3 cups
2.Butter - 2 finger size (put together the Index and middle finger on top of the butter and cut it)
3.Baking Powder - 3 tsp
4.Salt - 1 tsp


1.Mix all the ingredients together in one bowl and rub the butter with cake flour it turns like bread crumbs.
2.Add little bit of hot water ( bearable hot/Drinking hot). Make a soft dough out of it.
3.Now make small rotis or your prefered size.
4.Heat non-stick frying pan and toast the rotis to light brown colour (don't need to apply oil).
5.You can see small bubbles will raise while toasting and the colour of the roti change to light brown colour thats the texture for tortilla.
6.Then cover the tortillas with cotton towel.
7.Now the Homemade tortilla is ready to store and use immediately.
8.I made 8 tortillas out of this measurement and covered with cotton towel and put it inside fridge (don't keep in freezer). Next day just put in microwave for 10-20 secs then it will come to normal soft tortillas.
9.You can roll the rotis to even paper thin but for tortillas try to roll the rotis little bit thick like our chapathi and big in shape.

Ingredients for Chicken Pattice Tortilla Wrap:

1.Store bought chicken burger pattice - 1 piece
2.Crisp Lettuce - few leaves
3.Sliced red onion - few
4.Sliced deseeded tomato - 2 pieces
5.Garlic Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp
6.Sweet chilli sauce - 2 tsp


1.Bake the chicken burger pattice as in the package instruction and cut into thin strips. Spread the garlic mayonnaise on one side of tortilla and place the chicken pattice strips in the centre of the roti.
2.Arrange the sliced onion, tomatoes, teared lettuce leaves on the chicken strips.
3.Then squeeze little bit of sweet chilli sauce on top of the chicken n lettuce arrangement.
4.Now the Delicious Crispy Chicken Tortilla Wrap is ready to serve. We enjoyed this chicken tortilla wrap for our getaway day breakfast.

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